Over the millennia, have we domesticated what we think of as the house cat? This is an interesting question posed in the documentary film, The Lion in Your Livingroom. The short answer is no. Rather, our feline friends have adapted to our idiosyncrasies over time but have retained their predator qualities.

Produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) in 2015, this film explores the origins, behaviors and adaptations made my little Fluffy and her friends. Experts travel the world to explore the enigmas of the common house cat, from its history of domestication to the science behind its purring. This documentary both surprised me (they are incredibly adaptable creatures) and confirmed what I have already suspected (cats can develop a large vocabulary of sounds that we can understand).

If you love your cat but sometimes wonder if she is plotting to bury you in the litter box, take the 45 minutes or so to watch this video and find out what she has planned. You can watch it on Youtube (above), or on Netflix if you prefer watching it on the big screen. You can view the trailer on Vimeo here.